
Boots on the ground

ERP projects are large in scale and they tend to turn over the applecart. It’s why we won’t just walk into your shop and implement new software willy-nilly.

Our Advanced Survey Team will come in to learn and get detailed information on your current environment before implementation, interviewing staff, and reviewing copies of reports. We want to understand what’s going on day to day, on the ground.


Good question. It lets our project team ensure that our SteppingStones elements are weighted in the right area, that we bring the right amount of resources to best match your needs, and that we have a view into the big gaps—and big wins—so we can tailor a proposal and project exactly for your needs.

It’s also a good way for us to learn about you, and you to learn about us. You’ll work with us, see our knowledge base, and what we bring to the table.

What will you look for?

  • The elements that are critically important and need to stay
  • The elements that are duplicated
  • What you want to improve
  • Key inputs and outputs
  • Staffing levels to see where your people are deployed
  • How staff describe what they do and what they need

Why is this good for me?

In short, to give you the confidence that you will get what you need. Sometimes you may think a project is about A, B, C, and what we’ll find that it’s also about X, Y, and Z. That means there won’t be any surprises going forward.

At the end of the day, it’s your people that will take your operation to the next level of business. It’s why we believe in going beyond the technology, to listen, advise and make our software work for your people.

Risk Mitigation

Software projects are not commodities—they are about partnerships. You know this and so do we. If you think INDUSTRIOS is the software provider for you, but only want to put a toe in the water before jumping in, then the Operations Review is perfect for you. A few days exercise is a small investment, and it will allow both your team and ours to work together and get acquainted.

You’ll receive a report that will identify areas for improvement. And if you’re not happy with any part of the exercise, then no harm, no foul. You still get a report of low hanging fruits in your operation, and how INDUSTRIOS can help you pick them off.

At the end of the Operation Review, we hope you feel more comfortable and have the confidence to jump in and proceed with a larger project.

It’s all about risk mitigation.
