Challenge summary

Integrated data flow


Custom Plastic Fabrication

Market Focus

  • Television Network Sets
  • Automation
  • Medical
  • Mass Transportation
  • Bus Industries
  • Television Set Design

The Results

  1. Visible and accurate data
  2. Faster, efficient and streamlined inventory process and management
  3. Robust reporting for tracking and analysis
  4. Measured and compiled data enables real-time tracking
  5. Improved efficiency, insight, productivity, cost and time savings from streamlined processes

Plas-Tech Inc. is a leading plastic fabrication and distribution company specializing in custom plastic component supply to North America. From a one-run prototype to high volume production, Plas-Tech builds partnerships with its customers and delivers products with consistent quality at a competitive price.

Produced at the company’s leading facility in Concord, Ont., Plas-Tech’s innovative engineers use state-of-the-art custom plastic fabrication tools to ensure elevated design, quality and execution.

Some of Plas-Tech’s custom fabrication work, including the main desk, panels, valances, art walls and signage, can be seen in the main sets for major television networks such as NHL/Rogers, SportsNet and BNN.

We always had missing material, and didn’t know its location. This fully integrated system with traceability improves our efficiency. We even track jobs and set profitability! Our team now determines areas of improvement - and has tools to continuously improve,


General Manager


Plas-Tech Inc. implemented INDUSTRIOS ERP Manufacturing Suite to meet the challenges of continuous growth. Central in this decision was the need for seamlessly integrated inventory, data accuracy and visibility, and enhanced operational efficiency.

The decision to rely on INDUSTRIOS was immediate. This was also prompted by the strong production/scheduling based features of INDUSTRIOS, the effectiveness of the solution as well as the dedicated services, training, and technical support teams. With these founding components in place, Plas-Tech was assured they made the right decision to grow their business with INDUSTRIOS.


A core reason Plas-Tech selected INDUSTRIOS was its seamlessly integrated inventory functionality. With a large customer base and intricate inventory requirements, the need for easily-accessed, accurate data was crucial.

Plas-Tech experienced significant inventory issues in their previous environment. These ranged from consistently inaccurate data, lack of data visibility, difficulty tracking items, and missing material. There was no visibility of jobs, indication of profitability, nor could adjustments be made. This created inefficiencies throughout their operations. However, all this changed with INDUSTRIOS.

Plas-Tech can now easily confirm inventory. For instance, the item master is reached through sales order entry. Users can access data tables without needing to exit, find item numbers from other areas of the system, and drill to different screens. This increased data visibility offers time and cost savings. They enjoy the convenience of accessing tables in one application, at one time, in seconds.

With INDUSTRIOS’ advanced inventory features and functions, Plas-Tech can now efficiently track and manage inventory while receiving time and costing savings, as well as increased employee productivity and efficiency. With these enhancements, the team has additional time and the ability to measure these processes. Operations are slated to improve as they plan to expand their use of INDUSTRIOS.

“I like the fact the INDUSTRIOS team is responsive,” Steven Darlow, General Manager.


In their previous environment, reporting was unavailable. However, Plas-Tech is now receiving improvements from fully integrated INDUSTRIOS reporting functionality. These include the ability to easily generate reports and compile data to analyze trends. Further success is anticipated as this comprehensive INDUSTRIOS features is optimized.


The ability to track jobs is a valuable benefit Plas-Tech gained by selecting INDUSTRIOS.

Previously, the ability to track jobs and determine profit generated from every order was difficult. As Plas-Tech offers custom fabrication and jobs cannot be replicated, profitability was estimated. Users could not access an overall view of jobs being processed, nor focus on certain areas to retrieve detailed information.

We are very pleased with the INDUSTRIOS-QuickBooks implementation...(giving) our team the ability to leverage additional savings by keeping our existing QuickBooks in place for our financials.


General Manager

Before INDUSTRIOS, compiling data was tedious. Employees used stopwatches and manually tracked the production time for each order. This process was time consuming, and hindered profitability and productivity.

With the INDUSTRIOS implementation, this is no longer the case. With the introduction of a real-time environment, Plas-Tech is now tracking and measuring all processes. This core change has the potential for far-reaching improvements throughout the company.

With their customized nature, Plas-Tech cannot fabricate an order twice. Yet this offers a unique opportunity. The team tracks and measures similar orders, production strengths, and weaknesses, selects the most consistently profitable machinery, processing times, and applies these findings to upcoming jobs.

These improvements translate into far-reaching benefits for the Plas-Tech team.

“We are very pleased with the INDUSTRIOS-QuickBooks integration. Our INDUSTRIOS implementation has given our team the ability to leverage additional savings by keeping our existing QuickBooks in place for our financials. This allowed us to spend more time being trained on INDUSTRIOS for our operations. This was a game-changer! Workflows and reporting functionalities are accurate and uninterrupted, and translated into time and cost savings. Our productivity and efficiency also increased. We value far-reaching benefits the INDUSTRIOS-QuickBooks integration is providing. The entire Plas-Tech team is very pleased with this integration,” Steven Darlow, General Manager.


With a detailed project plan, thorough consultations, hands-on training, and technical support, the INDUSTRIOS implementation was seamless. Also, the INDUSTRIOS team focused on more than the current implementation, allowing for future improvements.


The Plas-Tech team is pleased with its new INDUSTRIOS functionality, which is improving overall operations. Future implementations are anticipated to fuel further gains. With Plas-Tech’s continued success, it’s certain INDUSTRIOS will grow along with them.

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