Lights, camera, action…. Wait! Do we have everything?
This is never a question that Experiential Design Firms want their customers to be asking themselves. One way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to have the right ERP system to keep all the needed supplies and shipments organized.

One of the most important aspects of success in this industry, is that when ‘the curtain goes up’ for a design fabrications firms’ customer, everything must be in place. If it’s not, the promised branding experience could be compromised. Experiential Design firms understand this, and so does INDUSTRIOS. That’s why we’ve designed our ERP system to handle complex product and shipping situations.
In the fabrication industry, it is not always as simple as getting supplies from Point A to Point B. Various starting point and end points may need to be considered. For example, it could be a case of getting supplies from Point A and B to Point C and at the same time getting different supplies from Point D to the fabricator and then to Point C. The catch is that everything also needs to arrive at point C by the same deadline date. Regardless of the items or of shipment and destination locations, INDUSTRIOS can help organize it all.
Sound simple? Click here to read more about this feature of INDUSTRIOS in our Orange Paper, as well any many other ways this ERP system can simplify other areas of the Experiential Fabrication process.