How to Get Multiple Uses from Sage 300 Screens
The ability to save and reuse Finder criteria on Sage 300 screens allows you to quickly switch between views of key information.

Way back when you looked at how you wanted to be able to slice and dice your data (or re-did it recently ), you invested time to come up with a way to build in information to make this possible. Perhaps it was using Account Sets to identify vendors or flagging customers as inactive but keeping them around just in case. Now, you want to be able to easily filter on this information so you can capitalize on the work that went into it.
Hopefully you already know how to use Criteria on any Finder screen to filter out the information that you want. If not, here’s a quick recap…
On any field with a finder, click the magnifying glass or press F5 to bring up the finder, then click the Set Criteria button.

If we are looking to filter for Active Customers only, click the drop down box and select Status.

Next, click the Add button, double click in the Criteria box, click the drop down box to select Active and then click OK. Hopefully this is something you are already familiar with.

If you want the Finder to only show Active Customers when you use it, then click the Save button before clicking OK.

This is great but what if you don’t want to clear this filter whenever you want to look at all customers? This is where you can use the ability to copy icons. For this example, copy the Customers icon prior to saving any filtering. You can right click the icon, use the Copy icon from the ribbon or use the standard keyboard shortcut. Next, right click in the same space and select paste. Right click on the new Customers icon, select Properties, then rename it to Active Customers and click OK.

Now, follow the same steps listed above to set the criteria and save it. The next time you launch Active Customers, the finder will be pre-filtered to Active customers only. If you want to see the full list, you can launch the original Customers.
A couple things to note:
- The user must have the security to Customize Company Desktop. This is granted through Administrative Services
- Customizations such as this are specific to the User / Company / Screen. It’s great that you do not impact any other users, but if they like what you’ve done, they will need to do it themselves!