Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Show Me Where I Can Find It All

Project Managers need accurate project information at their fingertips all in one place. Let’s take a look and see what we come up with.

Project managers are the glue that holds project parts together and the main communication medium between all of the project parts; staff, resources, suppliers, contractors, shippers, receivers, and so on. The task of monitoring a project to ensure all goes smoothly can feel overwhelming at times.  Now ask yourself, “what would make my job easier?”

(Jeopardy music plays…)  

A centralized view presenting all the important information relating to the project you say?  Well, let me introduce you to a solution, INDUSTRIOS Software. 

INDUSTRIOS has gained a lot of knowledge from Experiential Design and Fabrication firms and we understand how they differ from typical manufacturing projects. INDUSTRIOS software provides a centralized view of important project data, milestones and results, providing a central location to get crucial information about workflow of a project as it proceeds through various stages. As well, INDUSTRIOS helps by analyzing all the information once the project is complete, which can aid in determining the overall success of a completed project. 

If you would like to read more on how INDUSTRIOS can be your Single Source of Truth click here to be directed to our Orange Paper.

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