Limit Sale of Specific Items to an Approved List of Customers

Do you have items that have been produced specifically for a customer or group of customers that you wish to limit sale to only those customers? The ‘Requires Approval to Sell’ flag on the Inventory Master helps you control who can purchase that product.

Items may be restricted from wider sale due to a number of reasons:

  • the item includes customer specific branding
  • the item’s design is proprietary to the customer
  • the item inlcudes custom configurations for the customer
  • the item may not be compliant in all geographical jurisdictions

The ‘Requires Approval to Sell’ is part of the Selling Details information for an Inventory Item.

If selected, the item may only be sold to customers maintained on the Inventory Master File – Approved Customer Items.

Approvals can be granted for all or specific Ship To locations for a customer.

Notes can be added to provide additional information regarding the approval for the specific Customer and Item combination.

When you attempt to add the item to a sales order for a customer not on the approved list, the following error is displayed.

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