The Case of the Missing Range

Have you ever clicked on a Range screen in INDUSTRIOS and nothing happens or the screen appears to be frozen? It is likely that the Range screen is hiding just out of view. Here’s a quick tip to bring the Range back into action.

A range can go “missing” if you’ve been working with external monitors or changed screen resolutions.

At first it may appear that INDUSTRIOS has frozen but it’s likely that the Range is just hanging ouf off screen. Here’s how to quickly pull it back into action.

To correct this press alt + spacebar, which will open a small dialog box at the edge of the screen.  

Click Move and then using the arrow keys on the keyboard click in all directions until the range screen comes into view.  Once the screen is in view and moved to where it should be click the screen with your mouse to lock it into place. 

Next time you click on the Range icon the screen will appear right where you left it!

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